Freelance Journalist: Declan O' Toole

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Facebook Flicks

Mark Zuckerberg, Creator of Facebook. Picture courtesy of

By: Declan O' Toole

Just when the Facebook and social network craze seemed to be losing its grip, Zuckerberg turns his hand to the Movies.

American software developer, internet entrepreneur and creator of the world famous social network site Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has yet again upped the anti in leading the way in social networking.

The 26 year old web-genius has decided to extend his Facebook empire to the silver screen.

This news comes in the wake of Director David Fincher's less-than-flattering feature flick “The Social Network.” The film portrayed Zuckerberg as a self made billionaire who had 500 million friends through his social network yet did not have a friend in the world.

Zuckerberg noticed a sharp decline in cinema sales and a sharp increase in the downloading of films and TV programmes along with live streaming.

It was a natural decision for the fabulously wealthy Harvard graduate and Times person of the year, to turn his hand Movies on his social network, there was cash to be made.

As it stands cinema is putting up a losing battle with internet downloading but with the power of Facebook backing the computer geeks, it will surely mean the death of cinema across the world.

Although cinema is quickly becoming a thing of the past, youthful generations of the future may not ever enjoy the romantic night out in the cinema and the popcorn box on the lap trick will be lost to the generations.

Cinemas are not doing a great deal to boost sales and get lost customers away from the computer screen. With film tickets at an average price of €10 and inevitable box of popcorn and drink for an average €8. So a night out in the cinema with your best gal Suzy, may cost you in the region of €30.

It has yet to be decided if Zuckerberg’s new venture will be charged to his loyal Facebook family. However the cost of watching a downloaded movie in the comfort of your own home sounds a lot cheaper than the €30 one would fork out at the cinema kiosk.

So it would appear that Zuckerberg will soon corner the film market leaving behind a path of destruction. Small movie download site will suffer, cinemas and cinema employees will suffer, the film industry will suffer and social skills of the futures youth will suffer.

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